Critical Acclaim

Earlier this year, I directed K.C. Redheart’s “Process.”  (A few notes on that from this earlier blog entry.)

Today, TimeOut Chicago wrote this…

Of the many indie improv shows I caught this year, my favorite was the spirited debut performance of a new form called Process by Playground member team K.C. Redheart.  Process lampooned community theater by taking an audience suggestion and turning it into three separate long-form scenes including the table read of a new play, its dress rehearsal and the final scene of opening night.  By poking gentle fun at the self-important egomaniacs who populate that world, they killed hard.

And then, so as to keep me humble, they referred to me as “Brian Bowman.”

Later, Newcity Stage cited “Process” as one of 2011’s Top 5 Shows with the Most LOL Moments.

While the reviews are nice, I’m immediately reminded of something Wynton Marsalis said he heard.  “Those who play for applause, that’s all they get.”  The applause is nice, but it’s a byproduct, not the goal.

Congratulations to K.C. Redheart on the excellent notices.  That team hustles.

Got an improv question?  E-mail me (or Brian) at boilingpointimprov[at]

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